Pre-labour and childbirth preparation class

Pre-labour and childbirth preparation class

Pre-labour and childbirth preparation class

Pre-labour preparation – workshop with experienced labour assistant Lenka Adel, is dedicated to all future parents which wish to be actively prepared for the childbirth.
New! The lecture in english with a labour assistant on Monday 18:30 - 20:30, price 45€/couple (max.3 couples) in Miracle studio on Dunajská street 31
The workshop covers:
- list of necessary things for the hospital
- when is the right moment to go to the hospital
- particular labour stages
- preparation of your partner to the labour
- correct breathing techniques for labour
- labour positions
- alternative techniques to help bring labour pain relief by painfull contractions
- massages, aromatherapy ....
- free discussion, questions and answers
Number of couples,persons ? on the workshop: maximum 6
Workshop price: 45 €/couple, future mother alone 35 € (small refreshment included) Your lecturer will be an experienced labour assistant Lenka Adel
where? In Miracle studio, Dunajská 31, Bratislava
what to bring with you to the class? Comfortable clothes, handbook with pen.. workshop price, 45 euró (payment in advance by money transfer on the bank account No. 261 313 4561/1100, the variable symbol is lecture date + your name in the transfer info )
Sign up for the lecture exclusively by email: (please provide your full name and your contact details)


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